Taku River Wildlife Conservation Project Reports

Comparing Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Western Science Woodland Caribou Habitat Models, Jean Polfus, Kimberly Heinemeyer, Mark Hebblewhite and TRTFN

The Wóoshtin Yan TOO.AAT Land and Resource Management and Shared Decision Making Agreement

The Wóoshtin Wudidaa (Flowing Together) Land Use Plan

Our Land is Our Future – the Taku River Tlingit First Nation Vision and Management Direction for Land and Resources

Our Land is Our Future – Summary of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation Vision and Management Direction for Land and Resources

A Conservation Area Design for the Territory of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation

Taku River Tlingit First Nation – British Columbia Framework Agreement

Linear Density Estimation for Population Monitoring of Grizzly Bear along the Taku River, British Columbia.  Dr. Kimberly Heinemeyer

Striving To Keep A Promise:  Place-based Salmon Management in Taku River Tlingit Territory.  Susie Dain-Owens

Atlin Northern Mountain Caribou Habitat Modeling and Cumulative Human Impact Assessment.  Jean Polfus, Kimberly Heinemeyer and Mark Hebblewhite

Atlin Northern Mountain Caribou Management and Monitoring Framework: Final Report. Jean Polfus and Kimberly Heinemeyer

Atlin Northern Mountain Caribou Habitat Modeling and Cumulative Human Impact Assessment: Cumulative Effects Toolkit: A Guide for Managers.  Rick Tingey, Jean Polfus and Kimberly Heinemeyer

Incorporating Human Impacts Into Habitat Suitability Models: A Literature Review. Jean Polfus