…it’s beautiful, by Gabe Kayano

I know life ought to be better, and it will be, but that won’t keep me from saying over and over again: it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful, and it’s beautiful (from ‘O que é, o que é?” by Gonzaguinha, 1982) by Gabe Kayano Whenever people ask me what I do for a job, I tend to…


Welcoming Doug Milek as Executive Director

The Round River Conservation Studies Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Doug Milek as our new Executive Director. Doug replaces our longtime Founder and Executive Director, Dennis Sizemore. Doug has worked on many facets of Round River’s conservation efforts for 24 years with a focus on directing and expanding Round River’s…


A fond farewell to Kim Heinemeyer

Round River’s Conservation Science Leader, Kimberly Heinemeyer, has resigned after 24 years of exemplary service and accomplishments. Kim provided direction and assistance to Round River’s work in Canada including the Great Bear Coast Information Team Ecosystem Spatial Analysis, Taku River Tlingit Land Use Plan, Muskwa-Kechika Management Area Conservation Design, Southern Lakes Initiative, Yukon North Slope…


Mariel Ferragamo, Botswana ’19

Mariel Ferragamo Botswana ’19 Mariel was a student in the 2019 Botswana program, and continues to work on sub-Saharan African issues from Washington, DC. After returning from Botswana, her interest in politics and the environment on the African continent led her to explore these issues further. She is now the communications lead and podcast producer for…


T’akú Tlatsini IPCA

T’akú Tlatsini (Places that Make Us Strong) Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area Round River is excited to share news of a major conservation advancement for the Taku River Tlingit First Nation, with the announcement of an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA). Round River first met with the Taku River Tlingit First Nation in 1998. At…


Transatlantic perspectives on Conservation and Wildlife Management

Maggie Triska, conservation scientist at RRCS, was invited to join 30 researchers in Paradise Valley, Montana for a workshop entitled: Transatlantic perspectives on Conservation and Wildlife Management. Participants came from government agencies, universities, and nonprofit organizations – with half arriving from Germany. The workshop took place at the end of May over 3 days and…


Leaders in Chilean Patagonia Agree to Strengthen Conservation—and Communities

Leaders in Chilean Patagonia Agree to Strengthen Conservation—and Communities Pact among mayors, governors, civic organizations, and academics puts nature protection at the center of local development March 7, 2022 By: Makarena Roa, The Pew Charitable Trusts In a move designed to guarantee that the effective protection of national parks and reserves in Chilean Patagonia improves…
